That Time We Hid a Kitten In Our Apartment

During university, I’ll admit: I did a lot of weird, out of character things.  One time, I stole Santa Claus and hid him on campus.  I’d go lay out on Chapel Hill and watch the stars when I couldn’t sleep, sometimes till the wee hours of the night.  I often tried new things and much to my dismay, liking them was a hit of a miss.  And a lot of the time, it didn’t take too long before I realized how much I really disliked something.  But the time my roommate and I adopted a kitten and hid it from residence life for a week was definitely not something I regret doing.

Crazy Girls Racing In the Rain

A few weekends ago, the city of Taichung was informed that we would be having no work or classes.  That meant for the first time in my entire time here, I had a three day weekend that wasn’t a scheduled holiday.  Businesses and malls would be open, but I would not have anywhere or anyone to see.  No classes to teach.  Nothing.  And ironically, it also happened to be the same week I finished my latest manuscript and had given myself a proper break from writing my books.  I decided there was only one thing to do: reevaluate.

That Time We Stood On A Fortress

About a year and a half ago, one of my best friends and I traveled by train down to Kaohsiung.  We were going away for the weekend to the hottest city in Taiwan.  It was, admittedly, the first time I had ever booked a hotel in my life without my mom or dad assisting.  Aside from the moment I stepped away from my family at the airport two years ago, I like to think of that weekend in Kaohsiung as one of the first times I really felt like a responsible adult.