January 16, 2019 Taking on Taiwan: My Lizzie Moment Growing up as a late 90s to early 2000s kid, Lizzie McGuire and Disney were all the craze. Honestly, I think everyone wanted to be Lizzie McGuire at some point in their childhood. She had Gordo and Miranda, and then she even got a movie where she met a handsome Italian pop singer (who turned out to be terrible in the end, unfortunately) and she sang in front of thousands of people, and still got Gordo in the end. But mostly, I wanted to be Lizzie McGuire for one solid reason: that Vespa ride in The Lizzie McGuire Movie.
December 19, 2018 The Scariest Part of Living Abroad Often times from friends and family back home, I’m often told how scary the idea of moving abroad can be. And I have to agree: picking up everything and moving halfway across the world in itself sounds daunting. Honestly for me, it was never too frightening of a plan at the start. I always knew I was going to do it, no matter what. But I may have met my scariest situation yet while abroad.