June 29, 2019 Twenty-Five Tips for Twenty-Five Years Recently, I celebrated my twenty-fifth birthday, and coincidentally, my first birthday in the states in three years. It was weird to say the least, realizing all that had happened in the last three hundred and sixty-five days. My twenty-fourth year was jam packed: living abroad, visiting home, traveling around the island of Taiwan, my first Chinese New Year, moving home, and so much more in between all of the aforementioned.
April 14, 2019 Kymopoleia’s Assignment This night, like every other, was exactly the same. I stood idly on the edge of the sand, watching the waves as they connected with the shoreline. Each crash comforted me, encouraging me. Don’t leave. Not yet. Another wave lapped upon around my ankles, shooting chills up and down my tired body. More reassurance. It’s nearly time.