October 12, 2019 Pencils, Snakes, Perdita, Oh My! Compared to our house, the Nigari house was like traveling a century into the future. All you could see when you came up to their front door was glass, covering nearly every inch of the exterior. Their walls were as plain, except for the perfectly measured picture frames that showed off their family: Kyle, Nikita, Thomas, and his older sister, Lula. Everything about their house screamed the Jetsons to me.
September 26, 2018 Autumn Update! The end of September has arrived and boy, there have been plenty of recent developments worth mentioning to you all. First and foremost, another long month of teaching has ended. I started a new semester and my little kindergartners, bless their hearts, are so cute. It was Moon Festival here in Taiwan and we had a nice work barbecue, as well as a little three day weekend to relax and take time off from classes.