Travels from the Time Vault: Greece

When I was sixth grade, my history teacher introduced us about ancient civilizations.  We learned about the rich ancient history in Africa, India, China, Aztec society, Incan society, and then we came to the Romans and the Greeks.  I’ve always been fascinated by mythology, and Greek mythology is without a doubt my favorite.  It was also around the same time that Rick Riordan released the first of his Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, which I still love to this day.  I could open up one of those books now and feel the same amount of joy reading it as I did the first time I found them.  Sixth grade was also the year that I traveled to Greece.

Travels from the Time Vault: London

I don’t remember the first time I traveled to London, mostly because I was only an infant when my parents first took me.  My father used to travel a lot with his business, so we went there frequently, as well as other places in Europe.  We continued to go there when I was younger, until our family grew a little bit more and things busied up enough where we didn’t have the time.  But we had our fair share of family adventures, most of the time accompanied by our favorite cab driver, Charles.  It wasn’t until I was eleven that I ventured there on my own with a student group.

Travels from the Time Vault: Naples

The tall mountains of the Mediterranean coastline seemed even larger from on top of them.  I had spent the last two hours on a bus full of kids my age—twelve and thirteen years old—ascending the majestic peaks ever so slowly, each circle we did around them bringing us closer and closer to the point where I felt uncomfortable staring thousands of feet down to the small foreign fishing towns below.  The mere sight of the distance between sea level and me made my stomach twist but also gave me a sense of wonder when I realized just how small the area was.