Taking on Taiwan: A Change of Heart

Vividly, I can recall, the various mornings I’d rise early, go to my notebook, and sit by the window.  After about five or so minutes of staring out to the lake daydreaming, I would put my pen to the paper and write.  I couldn’t tell you how long I would write for, because I’d get lost in my fantasies.  Every time I write–even now–I forget all sense of time.  An hour or so later, I’d be ten pages deep into my scribbling and ranting.  Someone from my family would inform me it was time for breakfast and I’d leave my imaginary world, knowing I’d return to it shortly.  That, then and even now, is one of my favorite times in the day: writing time.

Taking on Taiwan: My Lizzie Moment

Growing up as a late 90s to early 2000s kid, Lizzie McGuire and Disney were all the craze.  Honestly, I think everyone wanted to be Lizzie McGuire at some point in their childhood.  She had Gordo and Miranda, and then she even got a movie where she met a handsome Italian pop singer (who turned out to be terrible in the end, unfortunately) and she sang in front of thousands of people, and still got Gordo in the end.  But mostly, I wanted to be Lizzie McGuire for one solid reason: that Vespa ride in The Lizzie McGuire Movie.  

Where (And How) to Learn Languages Abroad

About a year ago, I began seeing a tutor to learn a fair bit of Mandarin.  The whole situation lasted about five months, before things were cut off and we both went separate ways.  In that time, I made it through two and a half textbooks.  So I like to tell people I learned what I like to call “survival Chinese”.  I can order food, drinks, read numbers and basic signs, and ask for help for specific things.  I recognize about 40% of what is said, and from what I do know how to say, I say it correctly.  Only 50% of the time.  Like I said, survival Chinese.  I’m proud of it, even if I didn’t get as far as I originally intended to at the beginning of it all.