Recently, my heart has been heavy. Life has happened, as it always does. But this time, it hit a little close to home. I’ve always been very aware of how precious time and fragile life really is, yet when one of my dear friends my age passed away this week, it stung. Real bad. It still does. And I know it will, for a bit of time. There’s a lot of thought, regret, and grief channeling through my mind these days, but my grief is not the point of this post. David wouldn’t be happy to know I was depressed and not moving forward, engaging in more shenanigans and adventures. In going through memories of all the fun times we had, I found my why.
Maybe it’s recent events influencing me, but there’s this burning desire within me to not let the rest of my life slip by me. The times I shared with David, however short in the whole of my entire life thus far, made my time in Taiwan beautiful, fantastic, and at times, completely hilarious at times. This I know: life is short, it is sweet, and sometimes it sucks. But it’s the art of living that makes life so beautiful and exciting. We don’t know what is around the corner, and we have no idea the impact we could have on people’s lives. We don’t know how much time we truly have until we draw our last breath.
Those who have passed on before us, and those who are on their death beds all say the same thing: live a life with no regrets. Live a life full of risks, exciting memories, laughs, cries, love, happiness, feelings, and everything in between. Do the things you have always wanted to do: dye your hair purple, see the bright blue waters of the South Pacific, kiss the Blarney Stone, attempt to make a Buckingham Palace guard cackle and fail, find and marry the love of your life, create a beautiful family and raise children of the future, or do nothing at all. Life slips by us and if we don’t chase what we have always wanted, we will never get what we want.
As the future path creates itself before us, it will be different than we expect, completely unknown, and yet I want to embrace it. Not just selfishly to achieve all the amazing goals and dreams that lace my walls and the photo albums on my computer, but for those who no longer are with us. I believe, more fervently than ever before, that it is our duty as the living to honor those that have gone before us. Life is the most precious gift of all, and we must make an impact before our time has gone.
So with that being said, this is my farewell for the time being. There’s a new dream calling me, one that opens more doors to opportunity and gives me new meaning to the word time. There’s someone special waiting for me to create a whole new life, to truly make an impact on those around me, those I know, and those I do not know.
What I have come to discover is that if I do not chase what I have within the palms of my hands right now, I have not done my duty on this planet. I have found purpose, and in friends like David that I will remember to the end of my time, I have found my reason why I must carry forward on this path. There’s work to be done, dreams to be achieved, and lives to be touched. And there’s no better time to start than right now.
Until next time,